Preliminary Development Services are the essential first steps in understanding your development encumbrances, schedule, and budget.  This information helps you make smart choices at the very first stages of development.

Project Requirements include the following services:

  1. Preliminary Development Review (PDR) is an initial evaluation of current local, municipal, regional, and state permitting and development requirements, identification of apparent design constraints affecting your project, and an executive summary of our findings.
  • A preliminary Development Schedule for the design, permitting, construction, and opening of your facilities is included with your PDR.
  • Preliminary Construction Cost Projections, based upon your Project Requirements and current market information, are also included with these services.
  • Infrastructure Cost Projections account for major Civil improvements like grading, drainage structures, utilities, and the public right-of-way.
    1. Civil Site Assessment is a cursory evaluation of Civil constraints and infrastructure requirements, like drainage, utilities, traffic and driveways, etc. This information is very helpful for identifying key factors which should be taken into account during Concept Design, and frequently controls the project schedule.
  • Preliminary Regulatory Coordination includes research and remote correspondence with jurisdictional authorities to identify major development issues.
  • Preliminary Utility Evaluation is a remote investigation of local utility requirements.
  • Preliminary Engineering includes the first steps to define and quantify Civil design parameters, including the scope of Infrastructure improvements. This preliminary effort may fundamentally govern your Concept Design and associated project costs.


EXISTING CONDITIONS documentation includes the following services:

  1. Desktop Geotechnical Study is an overview of likely subsurface conditions at your site, based upon similar conditions found in nearby development, to identify potential engineering requirements. This brief document is appropriate for preliminary planning purposes, but is not a substitute for on-site Geotechnical Investigations.
  2. Geotechnical Investigations include borings based upon your Concept Site Plan and a written report evaluating the actual subsurface conditions on your site, with engineering recommendations for earthwork, grading, excavation, backfill, compaction, and soil treatment appropriate for your pavement and foundation designs. This specific information will be required for the Construction Documents phase of your project.



These initial steps are crucial to setting up a successful development. Reach out to us today to get started.